Cara canggih meningkatkan SEO
Banyak cara untuk meningkatkan SEO blog kita. Saya sendiri juga sedang berusaha meningkatkan SEO blog saya. Untuk itu saya posting tulisan ini untuk pembelajaran kita bersama. Salah satu cara meningkatka SEO adalah dengan menggunakan Backlink.
Backlink adalah link yang menuju ke Blog kita. Backlink adalah cara dari off page optimization (optimisasi diluar Blog kita) salah satu cara SEO yang kita lakukan agar Blog kita dianggap populer oleh Robot Google.
Backlink ini juga yang dipakai oleh Google dalam menilai seberapa populer Blog kita diantara Blog-Blog lainnya, sehingga bisa meningkatkan rangking Blog kita di mesin pencari Google. Ukuran banyaknya backlink ini Google memberikan dengan nilai Page Rank (PR).
Ada 2 macam Backlink , yaitu :
- One Way Backlink (Link Satu Arah) : adalah jika ada Blog orang lain yang ngelink ke Blog kita sedangkan kita tidak ngelink ke Blog orang lain tersebut.
- Link Exchange (Link Dua Arah / Saling Link) : adalah jika Blog kita ngelink ke Blog orang lain, dan Blog orang lain tadi ngelink juga ke Blog kita, atau yang lebih populer dikenal dengan sebutan Tukaran Link.
Untuk mendapatkan Backlink ke Blog kita, ada 7 Cara yang bisa kita lakukan, yaitu :
- Membuat Website dan Tulisan yang Menarik : Buat Website dan Tulisan yang menarik dan bermanfaat bagi semua orang. Jika web / tulisan kita menarik dan bagus menurut orang lain, maka orang akan ngelink ke Blog kita tanpa diminta. Orang lain dengan sendirinya akan ngelink ke web / tulisan kita. Dengan demikian kita akan mendapatkan one way backlink (link satu arah). Contohnya : Google, Yahoo, Facebook. Stiap kali kita menulis Google, Yahoo atau Facebook, pasti akan menyertakan linknya. Tidak heran jika Blog-Blog seperti itu PR nya tinggi, coba lihat PR Facebook, PR nya 9 lho, karena Facebook banyak menerima backlink satu arah.
- Membuat Artikel / Tulisan di Blog Orang Lain : Membuat Artikel / Tulisan untuk dimuat di web orang lain, didalam tulisan tersebut kita mencantumkan link ke Blog kita, maka Blog kita akan mendapat backlink satu arah. Banyak Blog yang menerima artikel / tulisan dari kita.
- Submit Artikel di Social Bookmark : Submit Artikel di Social Bookmark, didalam artikel tersebut kita bisa mencantumkan link ke Tulisan atau web kita. Dengan demikian kita mendapat backlink satu arah.
- Aktif Posting / Diskusi di Forum : Aktif posting atau diskusi di forum-forum. Kita bisa mencantumkan link Blog kita di signature. Dengan demikian kita akan mendapat backlink satu arah.
- Memberikan Comment di Blog orang Lain : Memberikan comment diBlog orang lain yang do follow. Konon, jika kita memberikan comment di Blog do follow, maka comment kita tidak sia-sia, karena link yang kita cantumkan akan mendapat backlink. Pada saat kita menulis comment, kita bisa menyertakan link Blog kita. Dengan demikian kita akan mendapat backlink satu arah.
- Tukaran Link : Tukaran link / Link Exchange, cara ini banyak dilakukan orang termasuk saya sendiri melakukan cara ini. Kita memasang link orang lain dan orang lain memasang link kita. Atau dengan cara Tukaran Banner, dimana di dalam banner tersebut kita masukkan link web kita.
- Membeli Backlink : Jika kita mempunyai uang, kita bisa membeli backlink. Di Internet banyak sekali Blog yang menyediakan jasa pembelian backlink, PR nya tinggi-tinggi. Kita meletakkan link Blog kita di Blog mereka, tapi kita harus bayar. Membeli backlink ini termasuk mahal lagipula waktunya terbatas, hanya sementara. Cara lain adalah dengan Paid Review, dimana orang lain akan mereview / menulis tentang Blog kita dan didalam review tersebut kita mewajibkan mecantumkan link ke Blog kita, lalu reviewnya / tulisannya kita bayar.
Sumber ( )
Page Rank
![seo-tools-header_thumb[1] seo-tools-header_thumb[1]](
Rank Checker (Ranking Tool) - Get a overview of your website's ranking
PageRank Lookup (PageRank Lookup - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization) - check the PageRank for a website
Google PageRank Prediction (PageRank Prediction - Predict Page Rank Predictor) - check predicted PR of a site
Multi-Rank Checker (Rank Checker) - View your Google PageRank and Alexa Ranking in bulk
PageRank Checker (PageRank Checker - Check Your Google Page Rank) - View your Google PageRank on differnet Google servers
Links related
Reciprocal Link Check (Reciprocal Link Checker) - check whether your link partners are linking back to your website
Link Popularity Checker (LinkWorth | LinkQuote - Text Link Quote) - a popularity score given to a website based on inbound links
LinkPrice Lookup (LinkWorth | LinkQuote - Text Link Quote) - check the price of your link
Link Price Calculator (Link Price Calculator) - another tool for checking the price of links
Link Checker ( - check your links to see if it's still valid or not
Link Popularity (Link Popularity - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization) - checks the total number of web pages which link to a website
Link Price Calculator (Link Price Calculator - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization) - help to determine the approximate amount you should be paying (or charging) per month for a text link (ad) from each and every page of the specified website
Site Link Analyzer (Site Link Analyzer - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization) - analyze a given web page and return a table of data containing columns of outbound links and their associated anchor text
URL Rewriting (URL Rewriting - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization) - convert dynamic URLs into static looking HTML URLs
Link Extractor (Link Extractor) - Extract links from a specific web page
Link Shortener (Link Shortener - Short/Shortcut Link - Hits Counter) - shorten a web address
Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer (http://www.webconfs.comURLnchor-text-analysis.php) - check link text used by your backlinks to Link to your wesbite
Keyword related
Keyword Verification (Search Engine Placement Check - Marketleap Search Engine Verification Tool) - checks to see if your site is in the top three pages of a search engine result for a specific keyword
Keyword Density Analyser (Mark Horrell - Keyword density analyser) - another SEO tools for keywords
Keyword Cloud (Keyword Cloud - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization) - a visual representation of keywords used on a website
Keyword Density (Keyword Density - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization) - another SEO tool for checking keyword density
Keyword Difficulty Check (Keyword Difficulty Check - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization) - see how difficult it would be to rank for specific keywords or phrases
Keyword Optimizer (Keyword Optimizer - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization) - optimizer your keywords with this tool
Keyword Suggestion (Keyword Suggestion Tool) - Find related keywords matching your search
XML-Sitemaps (Create your Google Sitemap Online - XML Sitemaps Generator) - Build your Site Map online (XML, ROR, Text, HTML)
Gsitecrawler (Google Sitemap Generator for Windows :: GSiteCrawler) - Google (and Yahoo!) Sitemap Generator for Windows
Validate XML Sitemap (Google XML Sitemap Validator - XML Sitemaps Generator) - Search Engine Optimizion Tool for validating your xml sitemaps
Search Engines
Google Analytics ( - tells you everything about your visitors
Google Banned Checker ( - check whether a site is banned by Google or not
Search Engine Bot Simulator ( - SEO Tool to simulate search engine parsing of webpages and display discovered links.
Indexed pages ( - check the no. of indexed pages for your blog
Spider Simulator ( - simulates a search engine by displaying the contents of a web page
Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker ( - checks the exact HTTP headers that a web server is sending with an HTTP response.
Search Engine Position ( - Locate your search listings on Google and Yahoo!
Search Listings Preview ( - Preview your website on Google, MSN and Yahoo! Search
HTML related
HTML Encrypt ( - Hide your HTML source code
HTML Optimizer ( - Optimize and clean your HTML source code
HTTP Headers ( - Extract the HTTP Headers of a web page
HTTP Headers Viewer ( - check HTTP headers for any specific URL
Meta-tags Extractor ( - Extract meta-tags information from a web page
Meta-tags Generator ( - Generate and configure your meta-tags
META Analyzer ( - analyze a website's meta tags
Meta Tag Generator ( - help you to generate meta tags
Source Code Viewer ( - View the source code of a page
Domain related
Alexa Traffic Rank (http://www.iwebtool.comURLlexa_traffic_rank) - View and compare Alexa Ranking graphs
Domain Age Tool ( - find out the age of your competitor's domains
Domain Stats Tool ( - get all kind of statistics of your competitor's domains
Domain Availability ( - Check the availability of domains
Domain Look-up ( - Retrieve a range of information about a domain
Domain Whois ( - Retrieve domain whois information
Instant Domain Checker ( - Check the availability of domains instantly
Ping Test ( - Check the presence of an active connection
Reverse IP/Look-up ( - Resolve a host to an IP address
Server Status ( - Check if your website is online or offline
Website Speed Test ( - Find out how fast your website loads
What Is My IP Address ( - shows your ip address
IP to City ( - determine the Country, City, Latitude and Longitude of an IP Address
Website to Country ( - determine the Country in which the specified website is Hosted
Google Analytics ( - tells you everything about your visitors
Google Banned Checker ( - check whether a site is banned by Google or not
Search Engine Bot Simulator ( - SEO Tool to simulate search engine parsing of webpages and display discovered links.
Indexed pages ( - check the no. of indexed pages for your blog
Spider Simulator ( - simulates a search engine by displaying the contents of a web page
Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker ( - checks the exact HTTP headers that a web server is sending with an HTTP response.
Search Engine Position ( - Locate your search listings on Google and Yahoo!
Search Listings Preview ( - Preview your website on Google, MSN and Yahoo! Search
HTML related
HTML Encrypt ( - Hide your HTML source code
HTML Optimizer ( - Optimize and clean your HTML source code
HTTP Headers ( - Extract the HTTP Headers of a web page
HTTP Headers Viewer ( - check HTTP headers for any specific URL
Meta-tags Extractor ( - Extract meta-tags information from a web page
Meta-tags Generator ( - Generate and configure your meta-tags
META Analyzer ( - analyze a website's meta tags
Meta Tag Generator ( - help you to generate meta tags
Source Code Viewer ( - View the source code of a page
Domain related
Alexa Traffic Rank (http://www.iwebtool.comURLlexa_traffic_rank) - View and compare Alexa Ranking graphs
Domain Age Tool ( - find out the age of your competitor's domains
Domain Stats Tool ( - get all kind of statistics of your competitor's domains
Domain Availability ( - Check the availability of domains
Domain Look-up ( - Retrieve a range of information about a domain
Domain Whois ( - Retrieve domain whois information
Instant Domain Checker ( - Check the availability of domains instantly
Ping Test ( - Check the presence of an active connection
Reverse IP/Look-up ( - Resolve a host to an IP address
Server Status ( - Check if your website is online or offline
Website Speed Test ( - Find out how fast your website loads
What Is My IP Address ( - shows your ip address
IP to City ( - determine the Country, City, Latitude and Longitude of an IP Address
Website to Country ( - determine the Country in which the specified website is Hosted
Web stats
Statcounter ( - famous free web tracker
HiStats ( - Free, real time updated web stats service
Addfreestats ( - provide free website statistics
FEED Validator ( - for Atom and RSS
W3C Markup Validation Service ( - check for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards
Kontera Ads Preview ( - preview Kontera Ads on your website
Online spell checker ( - simple online spell checking tools
Browser Screen Resolution Checker ( - shows what your site looks like with different screen resolutions
Your Browser Details ( - View your IP address and your browser details
Anonymous Emailer (http://www.iwebtool.comURLnonymous_emailer) - Send e-mails to users anonymously
md5 Encrypt ( - Encrypt text to MD5
Online Calculator ( - A simple online calculator
Statcounter ( - famous free web tracker
HiStats ( - Free, real time updated web stats service
Addfreestats ( - provide free website statistics
FEED Validator ( - for Atom and RSS
W3C Markup Validation Service ( - check for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards
Kontera Ads Preview ( - preview Kontera Ads on your website
Online spell checker ( - simple online spell checking tools
Browser Screen Resolution Checker ( - shows what your site looks like with different screen resolutions
Your Browser Details ( - View your IP address and your browser details
Anonymous Emailer (http://www.iwebtool.comURLnonymous_emailer) - Send e-mails to users anonymously
md5 Encrypt ( - Encrypt text to MD5
Online Calculator ( - A simple online calculator
1. Reporting Spam to Google -
2. Use Google to search your website -
3. Submit your website to Google -
4. Monitor Keyword Phrases - (This is neat to check out however does not help that much)
5. Googles Guidelines for Websmasters - (A must read new people)
6. Facts for Webmasters -
7. Having Trouble? Contact Google Directly -
2. Use Google to search your website -
3. Submit your website to Google -
4. Monitor Keyword Phrases - (This is neat to check out however does not help that much)
5. Googles Guidelines for Websmasters - (A must read new people)
6. Facts for Webmasters -
7. Having Trouble? Contact Google Directly -
Website Design & Tools
1. Free Forms for your website TFMail -
2. Validate Your HTML -
3. HTTP Error Code Meanings - (
4. Keyword Tracking -
5. Link Checker - ( 6. Search Engine Relationship Chart - (
Bruce Clay does an excellent job of keeping this updated.
7. Link Popularity Checker (Uptime Bot) -
8. Character Counting - (This is great when optimizing your title or meta tags)
9. Character Encoding - ( (Ever wonder what those iso-8859-4 or utf-8 were or how to use them?)
10. Converting Hex to Dec or Vias Versa -
11. Ascii-Dec-Hex Conversion Code Chart -
12. Ascii-HTML View Conversion Chart - (This is an excellent resource when placing ascii code on your website. Remember to use the correct character encoding)
13. Ascii Chart in .GIF Format -
14. Customer Focus Tool - (Tells you whether your website is focused on your customers or not)
15. Dead Link Checker - (Doesn't crawl links within Frames or JavaScript)
16. Adsense Simulator - (This will give you an idea of what ads will be displayed on your website before you place them)
17. Google Page Rank Calculator - (This is an advanced tool for finding out what you need to get your PR to the next level.)
18. Page Rank Finder - (This is a great tool to find quality websites with the PR that you are looking for to exchange websites with. This tool only looks at the home page not the link pages. This tool looks at 10 pages or 100 results)
19. Future Google PR - ( - This is an article that tells you what datacenter your Google PR is udpated on first.
20. Keyword Analysis Tool - - This tool is a must. It's quick and easy to use
21. Keyword Density Analyzer -
22. Keyword Difficulty Checker - (You will need a Google API for this one)
23. Free Google API -
24. Rocket Rank - - This will only check the top 20 of the following SE's:
(All The Web DMOZ AltaVista Overture Excite Web Crawler HotBot Lycos What U Seek Yahoo)
Keyword Suggestion Tools:
25. WordTracker & Overture Suggestions - This is the best one of the three
26. Adwords Suggestion -
27. Overture Suggestion -
28. Link Analyzer - Analyze the ratio of internal liinks vs. external links. This is a good tool when determining page rank leakage.
29. Link Appeal - (Want to know whether or not you actually want your link on that page?)
30. Link City - (This place has EVERY tool under the sun for everything you could ever possibly want)
31. Link Reputation - (Reveals baclinks pointing to the target URL along with a link survey for eack backlink.)
32. Google PR Tools - (This guy has tons of fantastic tools. He is not as popular as some of the rest but the tools are great)
33. Protect Your e-mail address - (Obfuscates your e-mail so spambots don't pick it up from the Internet)
34. Digital Points Ad Network - - After using all of the tools and more on this page. This has helped out the rankings faster than anything else.
35. Sandbox Detection Tool - - Is your website being sandboxed?
36. Spider Simulation - - See what the spider sees on your website
37. SEO-Toys - - These are some things that I had in my favorites. Some of them are okay.
38. Multiple SEO Tools - - This website has a variety of misc. tools on it that you can use to better your search engine rankings.
39. Bot Spotter - - This is a phenomenal script that will track what bots hit your website at what times. (Runs on PHP enabled websites)
40. Net Mechanic - - This will break your website down and tell you any errors that you may be unaware of.
41. Statcounter - - This will track your clients throughout the dynamically created pages of your website. This is a free service.
42. Dr. HTML - - This will test your website for any errors that you may be unaware of and tell you how to fix them.
43. Page Rank Calculation -
Newsletters & Articles
2. Validate Your HTML -
3. HTTP Error Code Meanings - (
4. Keyword Tracking -
5. Link Checker - ( 6. Search Engine Relationship Chart - (
Bruce Clay does an excellent job of keeping this updated.
7. Link Popularity Checker (Uptime Bot) -
8. Character Counting - (This is great when optimizing your title or meta tags)
9. Character Encoding - ( (Ever wonder what those iso-8859-4 or utf-8 were or how to use them?)
10. Converting Hex to Dec or Vias Versa -
11. Ascii-Dec-Hex Conversion Code Chart -
12. Ascii-HTML View Conversion Chart - (This is an excellent resource when placing ascii code on your website. Remember to use the correct character encoding)
13. Ascii Chart in .GIF Format -
14. Customer Focus Tool - (Tells you whether your website is focused on your customers or not)
15. Dead Link Checker - (Doesn't crawl links within Frames or JavaScript)
16. Adsense Simulator - (This will give you an idea of what ads will be displayed on your website before you place them)
17. Google Page Rank Calculator - (This is an advanced tool for finding out what you need to get your PR to the next level.)
18. Page Rank Finder - (This is a great tool to find quality websites with the PR that you are looking for to exchange websites with. This tool only looks at the home page not the link pages. This tool looks at 10 pages or 100 results)
19. Future Google PR - ( - This is an article that tells you what datacenter your Google PR is udpated on first.
20. Keyword Analysis Tool - - This tool is a must. It's quick and easy to use
21. Keyword Density Analyzer -
22. Keyword Difficulty Checker - (You will need a Google API for this one)
23. Free Google API -
24. Rocket Rank - - This will only check the top 20 of the following SE's:
(All The Web DMOZ AltaVista Overture Excite Web Crawler HotBot Lycos What U Seek Yahoo)
Keyword Suggestion Tools:
25. WordTracker & Overture Suggestions - This is the best one of the three
26. Adwords Suggestion -
27. Overture Suggestion -
28. Link Analyzer - Analyze the ratio of internal liinks vs. external links. This is a good tool when determining page rank leakage.
29. Link Appeal - (Want to know whether or not you actually want your link on that page?)
30. Link City - (This place has EVERY tool under the sun for everything you could ever possibly want)
31. Link Reputation - (Reveals baclinks pointing to the target URL along with a link survey for eack backlink.)
32. Google PR Tools - (This guy has tons of fantastic tools. He is not as popular as some of the rest but the tools are great)
33. Protect Your e-mail address - (Obfuscates your e-mail so spambots don't pick it up from the Internet)
34. Digital Points Ad Network - - After using all of the tools and more on this page. This has helped out the rankings faster than anything else.
35. Sandbox Detection Tool - - Is your website being sandboxed?
36. Spider Simulation - - See what the spider sees on your website
37. SEO-Toys - - These are some things that I had in my favorites. Some of them are okay.
38. Multiple SEO Tools - - This website has a variety of misc. tools on it that you can use to better your search engine rankings.
39. Bot Spotter - - This is a phenomenal script that will track what bots hit your website at what times. (Runs on PHP enabled websites)
40. Net Mechanic - - This will break your website down and tell you any errors that you may be unaware of.
41. Statcounter - - This will track your clients throughout the dynamically created pages of your website. This is a free service.
42. Dr. HTML - - This will test your website for any errors that you may be unaware of and tell you how to fix them.
43. Page Rank Calculation -
Newsletters & Articles
1. Site Pro News - (
2. In Stat - (This has some decent insite)
3. Page Rank Explained - (
4. Seach Engine Ratings and Reviews -
5. Database of Robots -
(Ever wondered anything about the spiders that are out there?)
2. In Stat - (This has some decent insite)
3. Page Rank Explained - (
4. Seach Engine Ratings and Reviews -
5. Database of Robots -
(Ever wondered anything about the spiders that are out there?)
ISAPI Rewrites
1. URL Replacer - (Free) - (
2. Mod Rewrite2 - ($39.90US) -
3. URL Rewrite - (23.00EUR) -
Link Exchanging
2. Mod Rewrite2 - ($39.90US) -
3. URL Rewrite - (23.00EUR) -
Link Exchanging
1. Links Manager ($20.00US /mo)- (This is great for the beginner however you will find out that you need to majorly adjust your pages manually in order to pread page rank throughout them otherwise you end up with 20 pages with no PR and 1 page with PR.)
2. Page Rank Finder -
3. Link Appeal -
Search Engine Submissions
2. Page Rank Finder -
3. Link Appeal -
Search Engine Submissions
1. Submit Express - (A lot of people utilize this service. I don't utilize it)
2. Alexa - (
3. AOL -
4. DMOZ Dummies Guide - http://www.dummies-guide-to-dmoz.or..._not_google.htm (http://www.dummies-guide-to-dmoz.or..._not_google.htm/)
5. DMOZ Instructions -
6. DMOZ Resource Forum - (This is where you go when you website doesn't show up in DMOZ after you have submitted READ THEIR RULES FOR ASKING)
7. ExactSeek -
8. Google -
9. Yahoo (You must have an account)
10. Yahoo Directory Help -
11. Yahoo Express Submit TOS -
12. Yahoo Submit Help - (
13. MSN -
ALink Reciprocal Link Checker (
AMeta Meta Tag Editor (
XML Sitemap Maker (
RSS Feed Maker (
Webpage Size Checker (
2. Alexa - (
3. AOL -
4. DMOZ Dummies Guide - http://www.dummies-guide-to-dmoz.or..._not_google.htm (http://www.dummies-guide-to-dmoz.or..._not_google.htm/)
5. DMOZ Instructions -
6. DMOZ Resource Forum - (This is where you go when you website doesn't show up in DMOZ after you have submitted READ THEIR RULES FOR ASKING)
7. ExactSeek -
8. Google -
9. Yahoo (You must have an account)
10. Yahoo Directory Help -
11. Yahoo Express Submit TOS -
12. Yahoo Submit Help - (
13. MSN -
ALink Reciprocal Link Checker (
AMeta Meta Tag Editor (
XML Sitemap Maker (
RSS Feed Maker (
Webpage Size Checker (
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